How to Write Effective Content for Online Courses

How to Write Effective Content for Online Courses, by Jessica Fender What makes an online course helpful and constructive? What are the features that make it a high-quality course you’d recommend to a friend? Writing effective content for an online course is far from an easy task. You can be the expert in the given [...]


Conceptual Design- What Is It and How To Prepare For Ideation Sessions

Conceptual Design- What Is It and How To Prepare For Ideation Sessions, by Alex Dubinski It may sound weird, but ideas actually need to be designed. What does this mean? Visual communication (such as graphic design) requires meaning in order to convey a message. This means that to create an effective design you must have [...]


Best JavaScript Security Practices for 2021

Best JavaScript Security Practices for 2021, by Martin William JavaScript has taken the web and app development world by storm, and for good reason. It is one of the most efficient and popular programming languages used for web development. So much so that it has been the most used language for the last 7 years. [...]


Encouraging Employee Growth Through Uptraining

Encouraging Employee Growth Through Uptraining, by Jori Hamilton Did you know that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if there were an investment in learning? And 76% of employees are looking for career growth opportunities — it’s a leading non-money motivator. In today’s era of employee turnover and a constantly changing work [...]


How to Manage Stress by Learning Something New

How to Manage Stress by Learning Something New, by Carl Fisher You have probably heard the phrase: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." While that might be true in some cases, but when it comes to managing stress at work, learning something new turns out to be one of the best anti-stress activities [...]


Learn Adobe Photoshop with Total Training

Are you ready to take your digital art to the next level? With Total Training online courses, you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to enhance and restore photos, create custom graphic designs, and so much more. Get started today! Browse Photoshop Online Courses Adobe Photoshop is one of the leading image editing tools [...]


Four Surprising Benefits of E-Learning

Have you been following the e-learning revolution? That's not an over-statement because the entire educational establishment has been affected by it. Here are four of the more subtle benefits of e-learning.


Email Marketing Statistics

Email Marketing Statistics Today marketing executives are stressing on the significance of contemporary marketing channels such as chatbots and social media. However, these communication channels shouldn’t divert you from the oldest and most proficient marketing avenue – email. Email marketing is basically using email services to promote products. It’s ideal for businesses because of its [...]


3 Lucrative Careers You Can Learn Online

3 Lucrative Careers You Can Learn Online, by Jori Hamilton As our digital landscape has developed, aspects of how we live have been altered right alongside it. The way we approach work, for instance, has shifted significantly. We have artificial intelligence (AI) tools that can help optimize tasks for efficiency and the connectivity of the [...]


Working Remotely? Watch Out For These 5 Common Cyber Security Mistakes

Working Remotely? Watch Out For These 5 Common Cyber Security Mistakes, by Elizabeth B. Hines For some, long gone are the days of the long commutes to and from work, the rush hour packed trains and traffic jams, and the sad office lunches reheated in the microwave whilst making small talk. Working from home is [...]
