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The Top 5 Perks of Marketing Automation

The Top 5 Perks of Marketing Automation, by Ashley Simmons

Marketing automation has become the next buzzword in this industry. There are many tools being launched to automate a lot of tasks related to digital marketing across various channels. 

Undoubtedly, automating your digital marketing strategy will bring a lot of benefits to the business.

Here are the top 5 perks of marketing automation…

1: Ability to launch re-engagement campaigns

Reconnecting with leads that might have grown cold is very valuable for your business. It can generate more revenue by increasing traffic to the website and leading those visitors to the next phase of the sales funnel. Marketing automating makes this task of launching re-engagement campaigns very simple by automating it.

This strategy caries out duties in various channels and some automation tools are mastering Google Ads and other marketing techniques. You do not have to worry about generating re-engagement campaigns because automation tools gather all necessary data for yourself and create the campaign. 

That can reconnect you with more traffic, which might lead to higher conversions. Therefore, it is safe to say another perk of marketing automation is revenue generation by making customers convert.

2. Conserving time 

Much time is spent carrying out redundant tasks that are very tedious. Perhaps you are tired of carrying out these tasks. If that is the case, you’re ready to take the next step in your marketing campaign by automating it. 

By automating these tasks, you will have a lot of free time and you’ll be able to focus on more important tasks that might have been neglected before. That promotes productivity and the appropriate allocation of resources.

You might also have enough time to take a step back and actually look at your marketing strategy in an external view. That can help you realize any errors or inconsistencies in the user journey you’ve created. All of that can happen because you have unlocked some time that you can use more efficiently for important tasks such as these.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Another exceptional benefit of automating marketing activities is saving costs to the greatest extent possible. Firstly, you will not require a large marketing team that costs a lot of money. Secondly, you might not need to outsource certain tasks to third-party marketing companies. 

Another cost-effectiveness aspect relates mostly to reducing human error in the marketing field. There are a lot of human errors made by people working in this industry. Sometimes these mistakes can cost the company a lot of money. 

Automation reduces these human errors and even eliminates them completely at times. For example, using automated A/B testing can be highly effective than traditional methods of carrying out this task and has significantly higher accuracy. That reduces the money lost due to human error.

4. Keeping track of KPI metrics

Marketing automation can also play a huge role in keeping track of KPI metrics set by the business before starting their strategy. Keeping track of these metrics manually can be very challenging and it can lead to inaccurate work. That might present an obscured image of the business’s marketing strategy.  

This might lead to premature decisions based on false data, which was compromised when gathering it. There are automated tools used to keep track of all marketing-related metrics using various data sources. You can get highly accurate performance reports in a visualized manner periodically.

That relieves you of the burden of ensuring that performance reports are generated and gathering every piece of information to create this report. This saves both costs and time because reports are always readily available when they are needed.

5. Creating drip campaigns

Drip campaigns are another important factor in an effective marketing strategy. However, generating a drip campaign involves a wide range of tasks that take time or are sensitive to the extent that the slightest human error might derail everything.

That is why developers saw a unique opportunity in this sector by creating effective drip campaign tools that are automated. These tools take care of the task of segmenting customer lists to personalize this strategy. 

Some tools take care of each phase of this campaign. Most of the important factors are taken care of by the marketing automating tools. Alternatively, you can have more control of the drip campaign and just use automation tools to take care of tedious and repetitive tasks. 

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The bottom line

Marketing automation has many perks that come with it, ranging from cost savings and conserving time by taking care of tedious tasks. You can also reduce the human error margin by simply implementing automation tools. There are a lot more benefits you can achieve by automating marketing but these are the top 5 perks to enjoy by carrying out this task.

Author Bio:

Ashley Simmons is a professional academic writer and editor working for a write my essay service. She is based in Salt Lake City and has been working for the service for 4 years. Her expertise is writing thesis, dissertation, essays and term papers in psychology, modern education, business and marketing innovations. She is a masterful writer and plans to author some books in the near future.