Exclusive Offer! Ultimate Excel 5-Course Training Bundle

5-Course Training Bundle now just $49! The Ultimate Excel Bundle is for anyone who wants to start using Microsoft® Excel quickly and efficiently. Featuring both the 2019 and 2016 versions of the software, you will learn the essentials of data entry, and then work your way up to more advanced analysis and reporting functionality. Plus, follow along [...]


New Productivity Courses

Increase your productivity and competency in the typical software tools used in a corporate environment. You'll learn shortcuts, techniques and the skills required to complete your tasks more effectively and with less frustration. [products ids="57059, 57054,2024, 55953, 54184, 57063, 57061, 55951, 55820, 55955, 55953, 55951, 55949, 55834, 55830, 55820, 54990, 54988, 54963, 54460, 54458, 54456, [...]


The Power of Array Formulas

By Bob Flisser, bob@swschool.com Using an array formula to attach an IF to a function that doesn’t have one. In a previous post, I showed how you could use an array formula to simulate an IF function that has two conditions. But arrays can create other types of what-if analysis, too. You may know that [...]


Demystifying Excel Array Formulas

By Bob Flisser, bob@swschool.com Use an array formula to create an IF statement that has two conditions The IF function in Excel lets a cell display one of two possible values, depending on whether a condition is true or false. The syntax is: =IF(condition to test, value if the condition is true, value if the [...]
