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4 Easy Steps to Becoming a Web Developer

4 Easy Steps to Becoming a Web Developer, by Molly Crockett

Want to be a web developer, but feel intimidated by the technical side of it? Just because coding and numbers are involved, doesn’t mean that it’s that hard to learn.

So, whether you’re just starting web development, or you’re somebody with no prior experience in the field, then you’re in luck! Web development is a great career to invest time in, as long as you have the know-how. And guess what? We have the know-how!

In just four simple steps, you’ll be on your way to becoming a web developer.

1. Learn Basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript

HTML, CSS, and Javascript make up one great recipe for developing a website.

“A website won’t work without all three elements,” says Olivia Brigstocke, a recruiter at Essay Roo and State of writing. “HTML tells you how a website is structured; CSS is its makeup artist; and Javascript is its fuel.”

Let’s dive deeper:


Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is a front-end computer language that’s considered the basic skeleton of a website through a series of tags. Tags are HTML codes that control the appearance of content, like these:

Note: All tags start like “<body>” and end like “</body>”. Always end the tag with “/” or else the entire document will use that tag.


Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS is responsible for your website’s style. Without CSS, your site will look boring.


Javascript is a programming language that lets you incorporate graphics and interactive properties on your web page.

Learn HTML, CSS & Javascript now with Total Training!

2. Find Your Community

You can also learn the ropes from past web developers – people who have already been in your shoes. Consider learning skill basics through tutorials and online classes, or find a web development community to get real-world feedback and advice from. GitHub and Stack Overflow are great communities where you can participate via discussion boards, post projects, and learn from other people. By networking with other developers, you’ll not only gain wisdom, but also collaborations and friendships.

Learn to use GitHub with Total Training!

3. Learn about UI and UX

User experience design consists of two things: UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience). But don’t panic! All you have to do is learn the basics, in order to understand how both of them should work on your website.

Consider the following programs to learn more about UI and UX, and get the ball rolling:

Learn UI & UX Design now with Total Training!

4. Understand SEO and How Your Site Should Run

“The Search Engine Optimization, or as people refer to as ‘SEO,’ determines a website’s rankings within a search engine like Google,” says Emma Phocas, a tech writer at Australian help and Paper fellows. “In other words, you’re competing with other websites to be noticed more often, and get search results and clicks. And, in order to get those searches and clicks, you must have good and relevant content.”

Now, you don’t have to be an SEO expert to know SEO. Just know the following:

As you tweak all the tags, also make sure that your site is running well. Check to see that the elements of the website adjust according to the screen size. Check to see that it looks good to visitors on a laptop or mobile device.

Learn SEO now with Total Training!


As you follow these four steps, just know that it’s okay to take your time learning. That’s how a lot of web developers have started, when learning web development.

Also, the demand for web developers will still be there, when you finally master the art of web development. Remember: work hard, keep at it, and you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of a successful web developer.

Molly Crockett writes for Academized and UK writings. As a marketing writer and blogger, she shares her unique lifestyle tips and personal development advice with her audience. She also writes for Boom Essays writing blog.